The remaining four contestants on the popular Nigerian Idol have demonstrated that the display of exceptional talent is the only way to the next show and...
As the contest on Nigerian Idol heats up, the astonishing rendition of the five contestants in the last edition was highly commended by the judges, who...
The seven contestants of the exhilarating Nigerian Idol, on Friday 4th of June 2021, visited Rite Foods Limited, the sponsor of the music talent reality show...
The six contestants on the exhilarating music reality show, Nigerian Idol, performed incredibly on Sunday with songs dedicated to the late Afrobeat legend, Fela Anikulapo Kuti,...
To commemorate World Environmental Day 2021, Rite Foods Limited, a truly world-class and proudly Nigerian Food and Beverage Company, Producers of Bigi Carbonated Soft Drinks (CSD),...
The United States has reacted to the Nigerian government’s ban of the popular microblogging platform, Twitter, saying it impinges on the freedom of expression of the...
Nigeria’s total merchandise trade increased to N9.76 trillion in the first quarter of the year, representing 6.99 per cent rise over the N9.12 trillion in the...
The House of Representatives has kicked against the possibility of enacting a new Constitution or re-enacting the 1963 Constitution also known as the Republican Constitution for...
The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has directed all broadcasting stations in Nigeria to suspend the patronage of Twitter with immediate effect. The Commission asked all broadcast...
Temitope Balogun Joshua, one of Africa’s most popular televangelists who was known as T.B. Joshua, has died. He was 57. The Nigerian-born pastor was founder of...