Bigi, the beloved beverage brand known for its exciting twists on Nigerian Idol, hosted a truly special evening for the show’s top 4 contestants. Held at...
The excitement continues for Nigerian Idol Season 9, proudly sponsored by Bigi, the refreshing carbonated soft drink from Rite Foods Limited! This past Sunday’s live show...
The refreshing taste of Nigeria, Bigi, brought another dramatic live show which kept the viewers on the edge of their seats with a suspenseful elimination twist....
Rite Foods Limited, Nigeria’s leading food and beverage company says its partnership with the Ojude Oba Festival is a testament to its commitment to promoting and...
Rite Foods Limited, the market leader in the food and beverage sector, felicitates Islamic believers on this year’s Eid-el-Kabir festival, also known as Eid-al-Adha, in commemoration...
Nigerian Idol Season 9 intensifies! This week, the competition witnessed the shocking eviction of two talented singers, Gracia and David Garland. With Bigi, a product of Rite...
Rite Foods Limited, Nigeria’s leading food and beverage company, has restated its commitment to preserving Nigeria’s cultural heritage through sponsorship of the 2024 edition of the...
In his drive to inspire future entrepreneurs that would make significant growth to the nation’s economy and improve the quality of their workforce, Seleem Adegunwa, Managing Director...
Stakeholders in the Food, Beverage and Tobacco (FBT) Sector of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) have enjoined local manufacturers to sustain the culture of quality...
As a proudly Nigerian and world-class company, Rite Foods Limited, the leading name in the African food and beverage industry, joins the African continent in celebrating...