The three contestants who made it to the next week’s episode of the Nigerian Idol, Kingdom Kroseide, Francis tela, and Akunna Okey, performed wonderfully on Sunday...
The remaining four contestants on the popular Nigerian Idol have demonstrated that the display of exceptional talent is the only way to the next show and...
As the contest on Nigerian Idol heats up, the astonishing rendition of the five contestants in the last edition was highly commended by the judges, who...
The seven contestants of the exhilarating Nigerian Idol, on Friday 4th of June 2021, visited Rite Foods Limited, the sponsor of the music talent reality show...
The six contestants on the exhilarating music reality show, Nigerian Idol, performed incredibly on Sunday with songs dedicated to the late Afrobeat legend, Fela Anikulapo Kuti,...
To commemorate World Environmental Day 2021, Rite Foods Limited, a truly world-class and proudly Nigerian Food and Beverage Company, Producers of Bigi Carbonated Soft Drinks (CSD),...
Rite Foods Limited, a truly world-class and proudly Nigerian Food and Beverage Company, Producers of Bigi Carbonated Soft Drinks (CSD), Fearless Energy Drinks, and variants of...
Last weekend witnessed the first eviction of two contestants, Dotun Deloye and Faith Mark, from Season Six of the popular music talent show, Nigerian Idol, as...
The city of Lagos was agog with moving musical performances that kept fans energized on Sunday at the Max Live Concert, sponsored by Fearless Energy drink,...
Fearless energy drink, a premium brand of Rite Foods Limited, a truly world-class and proudly Nigerian Food and Beverage Company, has shown its commitment to the...