A beloved contestant, Jennifer, known for her powerful vocals, left the Bigi-sponsored Nigerian Idol stage with a bang on Sunday night. Despite captivating the judges with...
In his drive to inspire future entrepreneurs that would make significant growth to the nation’s economy and improve the quality of their workforce, Seleem Adegunwa, Managing Director...
The Group Managing Director of Amo Farm Sieberer Hatchery Limited, Dr. Ayoola Oduntan, has emphasized the critical need for policy coherence to enhance market access and...
There is no gain saying that Benue State is currently the hub of Internally Displaced Persons, IDPs, in the country. With about 17 or more IDPs...
Donald Trump said Thursday he would reverse US President Joe Biden’s order clamping down on illegal border crossings, in his first campaign event since becoming a...
Nigeria’s current account balance has experienced a surplus of $1.432bn in 2024, according to a report by the International Monetary Fund, IMF. The report, ”World Economic...
Several passengers were, yesterday, stranded, after a Kaduna-bound train from Abuja derailed at Asha station, in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT. One of the passenger informed...
Stakeholders in the Food, Beverage and Tobacco (FBT) Sector of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) have enjoined local manufacturers to sustain the culture of quality...
Lawmakers in the House of Representatives elected on the platform of opposition political parties have called on the Federal Government to implement a new minimum wage...
•President orders minister to calculate cost, Labour gives one-week ultimatum Organised Labour may settle for N100,000 minimum wage as the Tripartite Committee on National Minimum...